Overhead Line Fault Indicators


Overhead line short-circuit and earth fault indicator with or without remote alarm indication via radio transmission.


GSM-RTU Remote terminal unit with 100V to 240VAC power supply.

Test Leads for Cap-Phase

Test leads for Cap-Phase (2 x 4,5m leads).


Master station for centralizes reception, storage and processing of condition and fault messages from RTU type PONLINE-Butler.


Short-circuit and earth-fault indicator and remote monitoring of short-circuits and earth faults


Intelligent transformer monitoring system.


Intelligent transformer monitoring system with over current and earth fault protection.

IKI-30 Wall Mounted Housing

Wall mounted housing - 180mm(w) x 110mm (h) x 137mm (d).


Low power trip coil.

IKI-30 Expansion Module (IKI-30M)

Event recorder for tripping capacity supervision and inrush suppression.


Earth-fault transient relay for detecting earth faults in compensated or insulated high voltage networks - Evaluation Unit IKI-EDI-W-A.

IKI-EDI-W Operating Module

Earth-fault transient relay for detecting earth faults in compensated or insulated high voltage networks - Operating Module IKI-EDI-W-UO.

IKI-EDI-W Balanced Current Transnformer

Earth-fault transient relay for detecting earth faults in compensated or insulated high voltage networks - Balanced Current Transnformer IKI-EDI-W-A.

IKI-30 Expansion Module (IKI-30M)

Event recorder for tripping capacity supervision and inrush suppression.


Power storage unit with 10VDC to 75VDC input voltage and maintenance free capacitor buffer.

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